The Escape racism project will achieve the planned objectives and results through different activities:
Creation of Training kit for Youth Educators (IO1) that will include the development of non-formal methodologies, techniques and approaches useful for youth workers and educators active in the field of human rights, intolerance and racism prevention. It will also include the creation of an escape room kit that the target groups will use during the pilot phase of the project and in future educational activities;
Implementation of a pilot phase – Testing the IO1 through workshops (IO2). The pilot phase will include the development of a methodology for testing the training and escape room kits followed by the implementation and the evaluation that will be made at the beginning and at the end of the pilot, with the aim to amend and improve the project products;
Development of online tools (IO3): the material and kit produced for the IO1 will be converted through the creation of online tools, webinars, digital material and videos that will be included in an online platform to assure maximum visibility and accessibility of project outputs and products and to guarantee also sustainability beyond project lifetime.
A total of four transnational project meetings will be organised and two staff from each organisation assigned for the project will attend them. During these meetings partners will report and discuss the activities carried out in the previous months, share experiences, resolve doubts, evaluate the results and agree and/or update the work plan.